Log 42, Myrtle, downer. A log from a tree felled in the 1960's by Australian Newsprint Mills and recovered during the harvesting of the regenerated forest, grown since the 1960's. Originally this was a burled myrtle log but rot has taken the sapwood and some heart wood. It may also have pin hole borer traces but this log still contains dark sound myrtle wood, some of which will show burl traces. After it is milled into thick or thin slabs the sound pieces can be recovered as short boards, slabs, squares or turning blanks. Length 2.8 metres, butt diameter 50 cm adjusted, head diameter 50 cm adjusted, volume of solid wood about 0.50 cubic metres, weight about 500 kg. IST Geeveston could mill this log to order on their Woodmizer bandsaw mill at $220 per hour; the timber and offcuts can be collected or strapped onto a pallet base for delivery to an Australian address. Any questions please contact Mr Chris Emmett, email chris.emmett@sttas.com.au or tel 03 6295 7161 or m 0419 998 452.