Log 12, Sassafras, black-heart. A fresh but rough shaped log with good black-heart pattern at each end, a large mid-length hole and green and dry limbs. The butt end is angular and has lost wood for one or two metres. Timber recovery will be lower than average. Length 4.1 metres, butt diameter 57 cm adjusted, head diameter 57 cm, volume 1.04 cubic metres, weight about 1150 kg. IST Geeveston could mill this log to order on their Woodmizer bandsaw mill at $220 per hour; the timber and offcuts can be collected or strapped onto a pallet base for delivery to an Australian address. Any questions please contact Mr Chris Emmett, email chris.emmett@sttas.com.au or tel 03 6295 7161 or m 0419 998 452.